If you have never signed up for a hosting account or you’re switching companies and the new one employs an account administration interface that you have not seen so far, you may become puzzled about how to execute a specific task in your account or on your PC. Because of this, many companies have compiled a knowledge base, which enumerates the most common inquiries and challenges connected with their platform, instead of adding only some generic information. Such a knowledge base will permit you to find the desired information quickly and effortlessly, so you won’t have to commit a lot of time and energy to matters that might require something as simple as pressing a button or marking a check box. Thus, not only can you get stuff done, but you can also become aware of many new and helpful details, both about the way you can manage your account and about the way the hosting service works in general.

Extensive Online Documentation in Cloud Web Hosting

If you’ve bought your first cloud web hosting account from our company or have migrated your site over to us, you will grow used to our platform and our in-house built Hepsia Control Panel before you know it thanks to the fact that we have compiled an exhaustive knowledge base where you can find all the info that you’ll ever need – both general info regarding the service as a whole and more concrete info about the separate features that you can use and the problems that you may experience. The articles themselves are available in two locations. The whole article archive can be accessed through the Control Panel’s Help section. You can access articles that are dedicated to the different functions in each and every section of the Control Panel as well. You can become aware of how to do more or less everything, from enabling an .htaccess config file to managing a mailing list, and all the articles include elaborate guidelines, so you will never become lost due to an unclear text. Naturally, if you stumble upon a more specific problem and you don’t find a solution in our knowledge base, you can contact our customer support engineers 24-7-365.

Extensive Online Documentation in Semi-dedicated Servers

Our company’s semi-dedicated servers offer a rich article repository where you can find any info that you might require about our web hosting services or about the Hepsia Control Panel that we’re using. We’ve prepared it on the basis of the feedback that we have received from our clients over the years and, as a consequence, our articles touch on specific problems that you might stumble upon and propose the very best means of solving them, for instance receiving a 500 Internal Server Error message or not being able to send emails from your desktop PC although you have the right SMTP server settings. The articles are available in each section of the Control Panel and you can browse them whenever you wish. They can help you extend your knowledge not only about our services, but also about the hosting sphere as a whole, as they feature detailed instructions and general info such as what cron jobs or file permissions are.